Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter 1913
Type description:
In Botanische Jahrbücher 50 (1913) 121. “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea” R. Schlechter. 27. H. chloroleuca Schltr. n. sp. — Suffrutex gracillimus, parum ramosus, scandens. Rami filiformes, flexuosi, laxe foliati, teretes, glabri. Folia patentia vel patula, petiolata, lanceolata vel elliptico-lanceolata, acuta vel subacuta, tenuiter coriacea, utrinque glabra, petiolis brevibus glabris, superne leviter sulcatis. Inflorescentiae umbelliformes, c. 10-florae, longipedunculatae, pedunculo pedicellisque filiformibus, glabris. Flores in sectione inter minores. Corolla foliola ovato-lanceolata, obtusa, glabra, quam corolla multo breviora, Corolla rotata usque ad tertiam partem basilarem 5-fida, extus glabra, intus dense et minute papilloso-puberula, lobis oblongis, acutis. Coronae foliola patentia, subhorizontalia, antice et postice vix adscendentia, superne ovato-oblonga, apice triangulo obtusiusculo brevi, postice obtusa, lateribus rotundata, antheris paululo breviora. Pollinia oblique obovoidea, translatoribus perbrevibus, retinaculo minuto rhomboideo.
Ein äuszerst zierlicher Schlinger mit fadenförmigen, locker beblätterten Zweigen. Blätter 6 - 8 cm lang, in der Mitte 2 - 2.3 cm breit, Blattstiele 0.5 - 1 cm lang Blütenstände etwa 10-blütig, doldig, auf 7 cm langen, kahlen Stielen.. Blütenstiele 0.7 - 1 cm lang, äuszerst fein und kahl. Blüten klein. Kelch sehr klein, Zipfel kaum 4 mm überragend. Korolla ca. 1.2 cm Durchmesser. Koronaschuppen von der Spitze bis zum unteren Rande gegen 1.75 mm lang.
Nordöstl. Neu-Guinea: auf Bäumen in den Wäldern des Torricelli-Geberges, ca. 800 m ü. M. (Schlechter n. 20314. — Blühend im September 1909).
Eine durch die kleinen Blüten recht gut gekennzeichnet Art. Sie steht sonst den letzten der oben beschriebenen Arten viel näher als den beiden folgenden, Die Blütenfärbung ist weisz mit grüner Korona.
Translation: See below.
Other literature:
In Hoyas of Northeastern New Guinea (1989) 56. (translation of the German “Die Asclepiadaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea”) Kloppenburg. 27. Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter n. sp.
A somewhat slender twining half-shrub, with few branches. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, acute or sub acute, thinly coriaceous, both sides glabrous, petioles short, glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescences shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the smallest of the section. Leaflets (lobes) of the calyx ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the corolla. Corolla rotate 5-parted all the way to third from the base, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, lobes oblong acute. Leaflets (scales) of the corona spreading, almost horizontal, inner and outer ends barely ascending, above ovate- oblong, apex shortly triangular obtuse, sides rounded, anthers a little shorter. Pollinia oblique ovate, with the translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid.
An extremely pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches, Leaves 6-8 cm. long 2-2.3 cm. wide in the middle. Petioles 0.5-1 cm. long. Inflorescences of about 10 blooms, umbellate, on about 7 cm. long, bare peduncles. Pedicels 0.7-1 cm. long, extremely fine and bare. Blooms small. Calyx very small, tip scarcely extending beyond 1 mm.. Corolla about 1.2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer end 1.75 mm. long.
Northeastern New Guinea: on trees in the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 m. altitude (Schlechter #20314 - Blooming in September 1909).
A species fairly well distinguished by its small blooms. Otherwise it is closer to the last species mentioned before than to the following ones. The bloom coloring is white with green corona.
In The Asclepiadaceae Works of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1992) 30. A. Nicholas. H. chloroleuca Schlechter (Schlechter 20314) -15
In Dr. Schlechter’s Hoya Species (1993) 48-49. R. D. Kloppenburg. Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter. A somewhat slender twining half-shrub, with few branches. Branches threadlike, flexible, loosely leaved, round, glabrous. Leaves spreading or outspread, petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, acute or sub acute, thinly coriaceous. Both sides glabrous, petioles short, glabrous, above slightly grooved. Inflorescence shaped like an umbel, about 10 flowered, pedicels of the peduncle threadlike, glabrous. Flowers among the smallest of the section. Lobes of the calyx ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, much shorter than from the corolla. Corolla rotate 5-parted all the way to third from the base, outside glabrous, inside densely and minutely papillose-puberulous, lobes oblong acute. Scales of the corona spreading, almost horizontal, inner and outer ends barely ascending, above ovate- oblong, apex shortly triangular obtuse, sides rounded, anthers a little shorter. Pollinia oblique ovate, with the translators very short, retinaculum minutely rhomboid.
An extremely pretty clinging vine with threadlike loosely leaved branches, leaves 6-8 cm. long 2-2.3 cm. wide in the middle. Petioles 0.5-1 cm. long. Inflorescence of about 10 blooms, umbellate, on about 7 cm. long, bare peduncles. Pedicels 0.7-1 cm. long, extremely fine and bare. Blooms small. Calyx very small, tip scarcely extending beyond 1 mm.. Corolla about 1.2 cm. in diameter. Corona scales from the apex to the outer end 1.75 mm. long.
Northeastern New Guinea: On trees in the forest of the Torricelli Mountains, about 800 m. altitude (Schlechter #20314 - Blooming in September 1909).
A species fairly well distinguished by its small blooms. Otherwise it is closer to the last species mentioned before than to the following ones. The bloom coloring is white with green corona. Published by Dr. R. Schlechter in: 1913 Botanische Jahrbücher V.50 p.121. (Engler's).
Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter, 1913, Type # 30314 (B)